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The very first time of Sandra Bourgeois
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The very first time of Sandra Bourgeois

29m23 February 17, 2023
February 17, 2023
Sandra Bourgoies is in a rehearsal session for her new single entitled Xtrem Orgasme. Lacking inspiration, she dials her husband's number and asks him to come home to make love to her so she can fi... Sandra Bourgoies is in a rehearsal session for her new single entitled Xtrem Orgasme. Lacking inspiration, she dials her husband's number and asks him to come home to make love to her so she can find her lost inspiration. Sandra finds herself on her bed. While waiting for her husband to arrive, Sandra engages in intense masturbation with her vibrator. Her husband comes back just when she was about to explode with pleasure. Sandra, very happy to find her husband, jumps into his arms.
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